Funded childcare available
in Rochdale and Whitworth
The Government helps with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
Childcare Choices website means as parents you are now able to find all the information available regarding government support.
For more information please click the button below
Childcare funding made easy
9 months- 2 years
We provide 15 hours funded education for eligible working families from the first full term after your child turns 9 months old.
2 year olds
We provide funding for 2 year-olds at both of our sites.
From the term after your child turns two, you might be able to claim 15 hours a week free childcare (up to a maximum of 570 hours per year). To find out if you qualify please go to the Childcare choices website or click the button at the top of this page.
3 and 4 year olds
We offer funded places for 3 and 4 year old’s. All 3 and 4 year olds are currently entitled to 15 hours a week funded education, however some 3 and 4 year old’s may also be entitled to the extended funding of up to 30 hours per week or 1140 per year. This is entirely dependent upon parents personal circumstances.
All funding is accessible the term following the child’s 2nd or 3rd birthday- for more information please contact us.
To find out if you qualify please go to the Childcare choices website or click the button at the top of this page.
Small World Nurseries Ltd
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